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Hurley Write Media

White Papers:

An American businessperson sends a letter to his Chinese supplier complaining that the supplier has “moved the goalposts” with his new pricing structure. The supplier reads the letter, shakes his head, and throws the letter away: He has no idea what “moved the goalposts” means.
Everything you write in the world of business is designed to persuade someone to do something or to respond in some particular way. A proposal, for example...
This white paper discusses the need for writing training in organizations, what managers can do to correct employee writing, and what to consider when outsourcing such training.
If time is money, when it comes to business, wasted words are wasted dollars. When your team’s writing is long-winded, roundabout, heavy with jargon, and full of fat, useless phrases, they’re eating into someone’s profit—probably that of your business.

Quick Tips:

Wordy documents are the worst! Okay, not the worst, but right up there. The problem with wordiness (a common issue in professional documents) is that too many words obscure the message and can mislead the reader. This quick tip provides some easy to implement tips to help you decrease wordiness.

Are you guilty of using “in order to” rather than simply “to”? How about “perform an analysis” rather than simply “analyze”? If so, you may be using wordy phrases. The problem with wordy phrases (beside that they’re wordy)? Wordy phrases can be distracting and, let’s face it, aren’t what readers want to read. In this quick tip, you’ll learn ways to recognize and eliminate wordy phrases.

How much time do you spend editing and proofreading? Do you view them as non-essential and/or the same process? In this quick tip, learn some great strategies to make editing and proofreading work for you.

Most people know when a document flows and when it doesn’t, but when it comes to creating flow in their own documents, they’re often at a loss. This quick tip provides some easy to implement tips to help you make your documents flow.

White Papers:

Frequently asked questions

01. Do you offer public courses?
Our courses are customized and designed specifically so that your team can learn and apply concepts long-term. We don’t offer public courses because we’ve found that such courses, because they’re generic, typically don’t result in long-term learning and results.
Our onsite and virtual workshops are instructor-led and customized based on your team’s needs, while the online course is self-paced. The four online courses we offer are “Better Business Writing,” “Exceptional Technical Writing,” “Effective Writing for Engineers,” and “Succinct Scientific Writing.”
We provide coaching services; we also help clients develop templates, style guides, and other types of reference documents. And we offer a communication audit, which can help you pinpoint your team’s real writing and review issues.
Our courses are completely customized to ensure a deep learning experience. In addition, we don’t teach grammar, as research shows that teaching grammar doesn’t result in better-written documents. Instead, we focus on readability studies; that is, what research and science tell us about how readers read.

We customize the course by analyzing your team’s writing samples to look for common issues. Then, along with your organization’s stakeholders, we design the course based on these issues. The exercises, breakouts, and examples are designed to ensure that your team can apply concepts to documents with which they’re familiar.
Both generic and company-related examples are used to give participants ample opportunities to apply concepts.
The breakouts use one or two samples from the documents we’ve received from your company. In groups of three, participants apply the concepts to one sample. Then, they share what they’ve done with the entire group. The idea behind the breakouts is so that participants can explain the reasoning behind the choices they make; when writers understand the “why” they’re better equipped to continue to apply the concepts.
During the breakout, the instructor is actively visiting each breakout group and providing feedback and asking questions

Contact Hurley Write, Inc.

We’re here to help your team communicate better. Let us know how to reach you.
Prefer to chat? Call us at 877-249-7483
Prefer to chat? Call us at 877-249-7483

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