Don’t Put It Off Any Longer: Four Reasons Why We Don’t Like Writing

So many people claim that they hate writing — even authors and professional writers. Why? What is it about putting pen to paper or finger to keyboard that suddenly makes cleaning out the refrigerator or talking to an irritating coworker seem so appealing? Everyone knows that starting is the hardest part, but does it really have to be that difficult? And why do so many of us feel this way about writing? It’s practically a universal truth.

Procrastination in fiction writing can easily be chalked up to lack of inspiration, fizzling creativity, or the common “writer’s block.” Much of that can be corrected by taking a walk, changing scenery, or watching a Woody Allen movie. (Deconstructing Harry has plenty of tips for overcoming writer’s block!)

But why do professionals in all fields put off the very important task of writing, whether it’s a grant proposal, report, white paper, operating procedures, or website content? Here are 4 reasons we avoid writing and why many of us consider writing as troubling as public-speaking.

  • Unsure of grammar and writing skills — If you don’t know how to organize your document, it can quickly turn into a rambling mess. This is when many start throwing crumpled pieces of paper toward the wastebasket.
  • Fear of rejection — Remember the humiliating comments on college papers? Now, the stakes are higher when you’re writing in an attempt to earn funding, organize a company, or relay results.
  • Boredom with the topic — You just spent six agonizing months collecting data and perfecting your report. Now you’re expected to write about it?!? C’mon, man!
  • Don’t want to read your own writing in editing phase — Some people think this is as painful as listening to their recorded voices. “Do I really sound like that?”

Professional writing help will help, regardless of your specific reason for avoiding writing. Your world will be a much better place if you don’t avoid writing! Identifying a problem is the first step in fixing it, right? So tell us why you keep moving writing that article to the bottom of your list.