Surprisingly, workplace skills development can directly reinforce employee recruitment and retention. That means training, learning, and employee development programs can be a major boon to employers seeking the best talent available in the market, especially in sectors facing labor shortages. So, where does writing training fit into this equation and how does it help employers recruit and retain top workers?
First, employees specifically look for workplaces that offer skills development.
Over half (57%) of employers say that their employees consider career development and learning to be the most important elements of improving their workplace experience. Employees say the same thing: 80% of employees consider professional development and training when assessing a new job opportunity. The numbers make sense: people want to grow in their abilities and careers, and employers who give them the tools, resources, and opportunities to do so will stand out and better position themselves to recruit in-demand workers.
There’s another dimension to the recruitment question too: training can correct for skill gaps in newly hired workers. That enables employers to broaden their searches to catch a wider net of applicants, knowing they can close those gaps themselves.
Second, those workplaces will be more successful at retaining employees for longer.
Once those workers have been hired, good training and career development programs make workers more likely to stick around: more than half of employees say that upskilling and learning opportunities are a major reason why they stay at their jobs.
Third, writing training specifically develops a key skill for the workplace.
Soft skills – a broad category that encompasses abilities like flexibility, collaboration and teamwork, creativity, and more – are critical for success at work. Hard or technical skills underlie a person’s ability to do work related to their role, but soft skills’ development transcends role-specific knowledge and yields workers who can thrive in any environment or role. For this reason, soft skills are highly sought after: 91% of recruitment professionals say that “soft skills are very important to the future of recruitment and HR.”
But not all soft skills are equally important, and one of the most critical is communication, especially written. Stronger writing can:
- Reduce costs
- Improve productivity
- Polish employer reputation
- Increase competitiveness
The truth is, every employee needs to be a better writer: it benefits them, their work, and the bottom line. Shockingly, however, few employers take advantage of the simple, easy-to-implement, and cost-effective way to produce better writers while simultaneously boosting both retention and recruitment. Only 31% of employers provide soft skills development programs! That 31%, however, will be better positioned than their competitors to attract and keep the talent.
Ready to learn the tactics for expert writing? Explore our courses to find the training your team needs!