30+ years in business.


(506 Reviews)

Better Business Writing

Participants will learn how to effectively apply their critical thinking and problem-solving skills to create strategies that will result in clear and concise business documents.

Course Details

Course Description

A business document is many things. A first impression, a proposal, a story, a demonstration, a promise. But none of that matters if your clients don’t understand the document. 

Our customized workshop, “Better Business Writing,” gives your team the tools they need to  develop strategies to write accessible business documents efficiently and in less time. 

The result: a team with better business writing skills who will showcase your organization’s professionalism and talent and ensure that your clients and prospects are interested and engaged. 

In this fun, interactive course, participants will learn how to effectively apply their critical thinking and problem-solving skills to create strategies that will result in clear, concise, targeted business documents.

Course Aims

Planning & Audience Analysis for Effective Planning

We cover identifying the audience’s expectations, knowledge level, and preferences to ensure the communication is relevant, engaging, and persuasive. 

By planning, writers can clarify their objectives, tailor their message to the audience’s needs, and structure their content for maximum impact and coherence.

Logic and Organization Strategies

Your team will learn how to utilize logical structures and organization strategies to order ideas and information.

Write Clear & Effective Business Documents

Grab readers’ attention and encourage action. Craft compelling subject lines or headlines, using clear and concise language and including clear calls to action.

Course Structure

Module - 01

The Building Blocks of Business Writing

Module - 02

Making Your Writing Easy to Read

Module - 03

Writing Concise, Precise Emails

Module - 04

Writing Effective Business Letters

Module - 05

Writing Business Reports

Module - 06

Writing Proposals

Module - 07

Constructing Useful Editing and Proofreading Strategies

Our Course Packages

Better Business Writing


Per person


Per person


Per person

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Frequently asked questions

01. Why Improve Your Business Writing Skills?

Writing doesn’t have to be hard. With our business writing courses, you will learn strategies to write professional, effective business documents.

Better Documents

You will learn how to write targeted and more concise, precise business documents.

Projects that Meet Deadlines

You will spend less time reviewing and editing, helping to maintain timelines.

Increased Efficiency

When you have the right tools, you’ll write better documents in less time, saving time, money, and resources.

Download a copy of our free Hurley Write eBook, Writing in the Workplace. This workbook is a great supplement and resource and is ideal for reinforcing concepts and helping you apply them.

Our self-paced online business writing course is delivered in 30-minute modules, broken up into 10-minute segments, to ensure the greatest learning retention. You’ll receive writing options and cheat sheets! Each voiced module includes quizzes, key take-aways, examples, and exercises. The with coaching option includes writing options you can work on and which will be reviewed by our expert instructors who will provide actionable coaching to help you optimize your writing.

Certificate of Completion:

You’ll receive a downloadable course certificate via email shortly after completion of the online business writing course.

Learning Retention:

Be sure to visit our quick writing tips for quick tips to help you retain and exercise what you learned.