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Three Steps to Streamline Your Writing

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Three Steps to Streamline Your Writing

It is possible to keep the writing on track so that it doesn’t drag on. Streamline the writing process by completing these three steps:

  1. Identify the audience. The main point of writing is to clearly relay information to a targeted reader. Understanding what your readers know (and don’t) and their potential biases, among other things, will help you plan the project such that it has meaning for readers.
  2. Define the purpose. So often, writing projects start with a clear objective, but the waters are muddy by the end.  When planning your document, take the time to state exactly the action you want your readers to take after reading your document. A public outreach document can’t meet the requirements of a grant-review panel. Don’t try to make one product satisfy several purposes — you’ll always write a succinct, understandable document if you clearly define the purpose at the outset.
  3. Collaborate with coworkers. Don’t work in a vacuum. Find a trusted colleague who will read the document with an objective eye and will provide honest feedback. In addition, including others early in the process can reduce the possibility of major edits and revisions later.

Most writers agree that getting started is the hardest part. Once you figure out that starting on the right foot will make the entire process smoother, you’ll enjoy writing more and see improved results. Starting with a plan that identifies the audience and defines the purpose is the most important step in the writing process.Hurley Write can help you develop a custom writing plan — one that works for you. Contact us for help, and in the meantime, use the tools in our Resource Center .

Three Steps to Streamline Your Writing

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